Tuesday, September 28, 2010

we all relate...

When first asked to compare and comment on two other classmates’ blogs, I thought it was an easy assignment. Little did I know, I was in for a surprise. I didn’t realize how many different areas of Public Relations our classes were focusing on. Each blog is full of different ideas, each one better than the next! Part of the assignment was to pick blogs with some sort of relation to your blog topic. I found myself so interested in what my other classmates were saying; I lost sight of the assignment! I was so intrigued; I completely forgot to pay attention specifically to ones which would benefit my blog. I also didn’t know how I was going to critique others. They all seem so interesting and are based off of individual perspectives.  Eventually though, I got back on track.
Steph Farris’s blog post is going to be my first comparison. (http://prrstephferris.blogspot.com/2010/09/research-results-in-blogging.html) In this post, she discusses television shows such as Top Chef and The Real Housewives, two of my favorites. She explains how research methods are important. In fact, Steph explains to us how those two televisions shows, both on Bravo, use blogging as a way of research. Being interested in Entertainment Public Relations, I found it interesting that the Bravo Television Cast Mates all have blogs. If I were practicing Entertainment Public Relations now, I would make sure that all my clients had a consistent blog, which all of their fans could view.

Sam Greitzer’s synopsis of Boardwalk Empire and other HBO shows is the other blog I found to be of interest. (http://mediacloset-samgreitzer.blogspot.com/2010/09/boardwalk-empire.html). I didn’t realize all of the statistics that Television shows have to deal with. It costs so much money, time and effort for all those involved. Being as interested in Entertainment Public Relations as I am, it is important I am in the know regarding what my celebrity clients are dealing with on a day to day basis. If a show is cancelled, I have to be ready to deal with that. If a show takes off overwhelmingly, chances are my client will as well.
It just came to me…this assignment directly relates to research. We were given an assignment and had to conduct our own research methods in order to complete it…

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